Watch History Documentaries The Assasination Of King Tut

 The Assassination Of King Tut

The Assassination of King Tut Three thousand years ago, a boy became king. Tutankhamun, the most famous of all the Egyptian pharaohs, died before his 20th birthday. The cause of death: a mystery. Even though the crime occurred over 3,000 years ago, evidence still remains. Examine the clues and see if you can name the prime suspect.You be the detective and evaluate the clues. Find out about the victim and the prime suspects. Whodunit? Was it Tut's ambitious commander-in-chief of the most powerful army in the known world, fearful that Tut's youth and physical weaknesses might leave Egypt vulnerable to attack? Perhaps Maya, Tut's chief finance minister and the man who held the country's purse strings, felt his wealth threatened by the young king. Did Ankhesenamun, Tut's bride since childhood, blame him for two heartbreaking miscarriages? Or could it have been Ay, Tut's prime minister, advisor, protector and father figure, who wanted the boy king cast aside in his own insatiable quest for power?

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